
The Other Real is a new company, but our team has worked together for a long time, over thirty years.  During that time, we’ve pioneered several technologies that are now common in the industry, such as digital set extensions (on TV with seaQuest DSV and in theaters with Titanic), the integration of practical effects with digital (Hercules, seaQuest DSV, etc.), and even helped bring the auto industry’s first fully digital cars to life (in various Chevy spots between 1997 and 2000). We were part of the Emmy-winning team that took the Star Trek television franchise from practical models to digital, with Star Trek: Voyager, and helped develop new animation and rendering tools.  We’ve also broken new ground in the theme park world, providing the media (through Falcon’s Treehouse of Orlando) for the first entire 360-degree stereoscopic 3D motion ride, for the world’s most extensive multimedia presentation, and most recently, for the world’s first stereoscopic 3D dome attraction (SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek). 


Here are some of the bigger projects we’ve worked on.  (Please keep in mind that most of these were done at other facilities and are listed here as personal resume items of Fred Tepper and Joe Conti) 

F I L M   &   T E L E V I S I O N 

Patriots Day

Dark Winds

Whisky Tango Foxtrot


Men In Black


Black Hawk Down

The Brave

Courage Under Fire

Kate & Leopold

Star Trek TNG


seaQuest DSV

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

Stuart Little


Seal Team Six

Die Hard


C O M M E R C I A L S 




Baskin-Robbins  Taco Bell



Carnival Cruises


S P E C I A L    V E N U E,   E T C. 


Weird Al’s Brain

Adventures Into The Deep

Dragon’s Treasure

Steven Spielberg’s “Directors’ Chair”     (SeaWorld Orlando)

   (Special venue 3D music video extravaganza)

   (Knight Valley Theme Park – Shenzen, China)

   (City of Dreams – Macao, China)

   (Video game)